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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of IFF, IFO, IMG, IMS, IND, PEG, IPF, IPG, ISO

File Type:The Sims data file
Category:Game file
File Description:The Sims object, data file.
Open Programs:

The Sims

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

The Sims

The Sims is about creating, managing, and controlling the lives of tiny computerized people who dwell in miniature homes. The game's excellent music and sound effects, detailed scenery, cleverly animated characters, and equally clever writing go a long way toward fulfilling this intriguing premise. Yet though you can exercise a considerable amount of control over your sims' behavior and lifestyles, The Sims' actual gameplay is rather limited in some respects - either by odd inconsistencies or by actual restrictions placed on your actions. But to the game's credit, the most objectionable thing about these occasional limits is how starkly they contrast with the otherwise tremendous freedom you have to lead your sims' lives.

File Type:BioWare Aurora game engine information file
Category:Game file
File Description:An IFO file is a module InFOrmation file. Every NWN module (.MOD or .NWM) or savegame (.SAV) is an Encapsulated Resource File (ERF) that contains an IFO file called "module.ifo". The IFO file type is in BioWare's Generic File Format (GFF) and it is assumed that the reader has some familiarity with GFF. Many of the GFF Fields in an IFO file make references to 2-Dimensional Array (2DA) files, so it is also assumed that the reader is familiar with the 2DA format.
Open Programs:

Neverwinter Nights

Company / developer:

Neverwinter Nights (NWN) is a computer game set in a huge medieval fantasy world of Dungeons and Dragons. This role-playing game (RPG) puts you at the center of an epic tale of faith, war, and betrayal.
As a player, you are able to choose what skills and abilities you will develop as you voyage though the complex and dangerous fantasy world of Forgotten Realms. Be a deadly and dangerous Rogue moving through the shadows using stealth and secrecy, be a scholarly Wizard and wield powerful magic against your enemies, be a hulking Barbarian whose lust for battle is matched only by his terrible rage, be an armor-clad Paladin who protects the innocent and vanquishes his foes, be a crusading Cleric who heals the sick and defends the helpless… be all this and more.

Neverwinter Nights allows you to create your own worlds. This revolutionary game will come with all the tools needed to construct your own unique lands of adventure. The Neverwinter Nights Aurora Toolset allows even novice users to construct everything from a quiet, misty forest or a dripping cavern of foul evil, to a king’s court. All the monsters, items, set pieces and settings are there for world builders to use. But do not stop there; construct traps, encounters, custom monsters and magic items to make your adventure unique.

But the Neverwinter experience is not just for one person- adventure with all your friends. Neverwinter Nights can be played online with up to 64 friends, all sharing in the adventure. You can organize and run your own adventures through the role of the Dungeon Master and control all the monsters, creatures and characters your friends meet as they journey on their quest. A powerful piece of software that is included with Neverwinter Nights, the DM Client, allows nearly unlimited control for running your own adventures for your friends.

Neverwinter Nights…endless adventure!

File Type:Grand Theft Auto 3 game file
Category:Game file
File Description:Game archive contains sounds, music, models, maps and etc...
Open Programs:

Grand Theft Auto III

Company / developer:

Grand Theft Auto III

You've been betrayed and left for dead. Now you're taking revenge, unless the city gets you first. Mob bosses need a favor, crooked cops need help and street gangs want you dead. You'll have to rob, steal and kill just to stay out of serious trouble. Anything can happen out here.

File Type:Rebel Assault file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Rebel Assault computer game.
Open Programs:

Star Wars: Rebel Assault

Company / developer:

The Galactic Empire has been beaten once, but you've only just begun. You are Rookie One, and you must completely crush the evil empire from the cockpit of your T16 Skyhopper. You'll first fly a training run through Beggar's Canyon, and then have your first space battle against TIE Fighters deep in space. The giant AT-ATs are on the attack again and you'll fight them over the icy landscape of Hoth. Your squad of fighters will then do the trench run over the Death Star, to kill Vader and his gang.

File Type:Well of Souls game file
Category:Game file
File Description:

File extension IND entry has not yet been fully verified by team. It was added in the past to our library and appeared to be accurate.
If you know more or some useful information about IND file extension, please send us a message by clicking on submit extension button at the top of page.

Open Programs:

Well of Souls

Company / developer:
  Synthetic Reality Co.

Well of Souls is Synthetic Reality's FREE multi-player online Role Playing Game, where players hop from server to server fighting monsters, solving quests, and levelling their characters.

The game comes with the world of Evergreen which you can enjoy by yourself or with others. Player-vs-player fighting is completely at your option.

If you're feeling creative, Well of Souls is extensible through a simple scripting language so that you can compose your own quests, and publish your own world. You can also customize your skin and contribute art and music. Plus, you can create your own guild and host your own server where people can play together.

Dozens of additional worlds are available for free download within the game.

New worlds can have their own themes, maps, user interface, character classes, items, monsters, pets, quests, spells, skills, equipment, puzzles, mini-games, guilds and tournament ladders.

File Type:Red Faction II game data
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Red Faction II. Game data.
Open Programs:

Red Faction II

Company / developer:

Red Faction 2 Earth

Red Faction 2 Earth. Twenty-second century. Five years after the rebellion on Mars. For 15 years, Chancellor Victor Sopot has oppressed the people of the Commonwealth. His corrupt rule and a relentless war of unification with the United Republic has left the Commonwealth bloodied and impoverished. As distant battles rage, sewage taints Sopot Citys rivers, pollution smudges the sky, and wretched citizens huddle in crumbling ruins. The Public Information Building, built by the dictator as a tribute to himself, broadcasts lies about Sopots bravery and the Commonwealths military victories. Condemned to death by Chancellor Sopot, six super-soldiers unite to save their country, vowing to overthrow Sopot using the unique powers that nano-technology has given them. Join the squad as Alias, a demolitions expert. Fight side-by-side with Molov, Repta, Shrike, Tangier, and Quill--each possessing unique attributes and specialties. Battle through diverse environments using vehicles, an arsenal of specialized weapons, and explosives in a mission to overthrow the government. Defeat Sopot and restore the honor of the Commonwealth!

File Type:Grand Theft Auto III animation data
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Grand Theft Auto III. Animation data.
Open Programs:

Grand Theft Auto III

Company / developer:

Grand Theft Auto III

You've been betrayed and left for dead. Now you're taking revenge, unless the city gets you first. Mob bosses need a favor, crooked cops need help and street gangs want you dead. You'll have to rob, steal and kill just to stay out of serious trouble. Anything can happen out here.

File Type:iPod game package
Category:Game file
File Description:iPod game package format. Games are downloadable on iTunes.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Apple, Inc.


iTunes is a digital media player application, introduced by Apple Inc. for playing and organizing digital music and video files. The program is also an interface to manage the contents on Apple's popular iPod digital media players as well as the iPhone. Additionally, iTunes can connect to the iTunes Store via the internet to purchase and download digital music, music videos, television shows, iPod games, audiobooks, various podcasts, feature length films (available only in the USA), Movie Rentals and Ringtones.

iTunes is available as a free download for Mac OS X, Windows Vista, and Windows XP from Apple's website. It is also bundled with all Macs, and some HP and Dell computers. Older versions are available for Mac OS 9, OS X 10.0-10.2, and Windows 2000. iTunes is not available for other operating systems.

File Type:Sega CD game file
Category:Game file
File Description:Image used by Gens. Disk image contains game for Sega CD (Sega Genesis).
Open Programs:


Company / developer:


Gens is Sega Genesis emulator for MS DOS and Microsoft Windows.

File Type:Diablo II item file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Diablo II. Item file.
Open Programs:

Diablo II

Company / developer:
  Blizzard Entertainment

Diablo II

Since the beginning of time, the forces of Order and Chaos have been engaged in an eternal struggle to decide the fate of all Creation. That struggle has now come to the Mortal Realm...and neither Man, Demon, nor Angel will be left unscathed...

After possessing the body of the hero who defeated him, Diablo resumes his nefarious scheme to shackle humanity into unholy slavery by joining forces with the other Prime Evils, Mephisto and Baal. Only you will be able to determine the outcome of this final encounter...

In Diablo II, return to a world of dark fantasy. As one of five distinct character types, explore the world of Diablo II -- journey across distant lands, fight new villains, discover new treasures, and uncover ancient mysteries, all in the quest to stop the Lord of Terror, once and for all..

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC